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Our last all staff question of the year and decade is: What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? Also, make sure to check out our end of year video to take a look at all of the amazing work we have produced in 2019. 2020, here we come!


Gabriela Schulman, Casting Apprentice

  1. Read at least one book a month! I haven't read for fun in years, and I want to get back into it.


Vern Reske, Production Management Apprentice:

  1. Hydrate more
  2. To have more comedic gold moments


Debbie Ellinghaus, Managing Director

  1. Drink more water
  2. Cook more often (and try to find enjoyment in doing so)
  3. Use recyclable grocery bags (I have many but always forget them in the car when I shop!)
  4. Read one book a month (I love reading, but find it difficult to make the time.  This feels like a reasonable goal!)
  5. Spend less time on the screen and social media (set the example for my kids!)
  6. Reduce my "over-scheduled" calendar and make more room for the important things.
  7. Work smarter, not harder or faster.


Stephanie Condon, Sound and Projections Apprentice

  1. I don't like to set resolutions at the start of the new year. I like to believe that self-improvement is a continuous process. My goal setting is usually for a few months at a time or a few years at a time, but I am all for making a vision board, so maybe I'll do one this January.


Colleen Robinson, Manager of Special Events and Donor Relations

  1. Learn a new skill


Meredith Beisel, Marketing and Development Apprentice

  1. I want to practice more intuitive eating habits
  2. Work on my Spanish and maybe learn another Language. 



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